From this... this.
Much nicer, no?
I'm sure some of you who know me well enough wondered how on earth did I manage to create this masterpiece when my sense of art is equivalent to the size of an ostrich's brain.
Well it doesn't take a Leonardo da Vinci or a Master Degree in Arts to make this...
Heck I don't even have to know anything about Photoshop or any other graphics editing programs...
All I did was to ask this friend of mine and tadaa... It's all finished in an hour. And all I gotta do is to become his follower!!! Totally FOC!!!
Yes thank you Mint Zhet. It's definitely
PS : And sorry to disappoint you guys (...especially Kent XD) but I did not do this myself. In fact I didn't do anything. :P But I'm flattered to know that you guys would even have the slightest idea that I did this myself. HAHAHHAHAHA XD Although I do hope that I could achieve that level of his... T_T