Thursday, May 28, 2009


YES It's finally happening!!! T_T

I've been waiting for this to happen for a whole two years. TWO freaking years... T_T

And no, I'm not talking about MU losing to Barcelona. It's not like I care anyway. :P

I'm finally free from the annoying little metal foreign object in my mouth. T_T Like seriously, it's like, I don't know, seriously the best thing ever happened this year, like you know, SERIOUSLY. T_T OK maybe after the end of STPM. But still...!!! It's still like seriously, the second best thing ever happened, like, SERIOUSLY...!!! OK I gotta stop using that, like seriously. XD

In case you still don't know what I was babbling about, I'm talking about taking off my braces. XD

Ahhh... It feels good to be able to lick the teeth without any obstruction after 2 years. XD

Now that it's taken off, it really saved me a lot of troubles and all, especially when and after having a meal. -.-'' Gotta be really careful or else the bracket may come off, and worse still, some embarrassing moment, if you know what I mean. -.-'' But I got my teeth straighten free of charge so no complaints there. :D

The thing is, now I gotta wear a retainer, and it's a hell luva worse than wearing braces. I couldn't even speak properly when I'm wearing it, it's like talking with your mouth stuffed. And it doesn't fit me properly, so it's hurting my gum badly. Gotta wait until July to get it fix on my next appointment. Sigh...

Until then, I'm gonna fully utilize my teeth, eat however and whatever I want, smile nicely ala air steward and showing off my teeth excessively (which explains the title). XD

OK I was kidding about the last part.

Better go get a mirror and practise my smile. :P Ciao...

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