Monday, January 12, 2009


You know you're in deep shit when you still haven't decided what course and university you wanna further your studies in even after you've completed STPM.

And even worse for indecisive people like me who takes forever just to decide which set lunch to order in McD. =.=''

Unfortunately, I've already limited my choices out of an array of career paths by not taking Biology in STPM. And I've been vacillating between engineering and maths related courses so it's not that difficult to choose between these two right? Just gotta get some info and that's it. Financial problem aside, I still have to consider the chances of getting into my choice of university, accommodation, transportation, and etc etc etc...


And so in an attempt to set things right, I turned to the annual education fair in KLCC, hopefully it could shed some lights and guide me into choosing the right path.

Did alot of brochures grabbing, filling up forms, information gathering, asking questions, listening to others, grabbing freebies, browsing around, and etc etc etc... Sadly it was kinda disappointing cause in the end I've realized my problem is that I'm VERY indecisive. =.=''

And wtf? I've found out that I'm still eligible to take up certain Biology related courses like dentistry and pharmacy as long as I'm taking Chemistry. So now I have to reconsider my choices, AGAIN for the 234365764th time. At this rate, I may continue vacillating until the day I apply for enrollment and scholarships.


Oh my... I'm doom SOOO doom this time. T.T

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